I want to say a HUGE thanks to Michelle who has sent me the lipgloss I bought from her blog sale. She sent it right away and it arrived in pretty pink packaging with a lovely sweet little note and it just made me smile so much I URGE you to go and check out her blog right this instant. http://loveatfirstbite-writes.blogspot.com/
They came super fast which I was really pleased about and they came in gorgeous little individual packages:

Okay so, really, packaging is irrelevant but to me it shows that you're getting a product from a company that really makes that extra effort and shows the products have a special unique-ness to them which I just loved it really made opening the parcels that bit more exciting (and I ALWAYS loose my jewellery so this gives me an instant solution as I can pop them back in their cute little packages!)- I highly recommend this website and will definitely be buying more in the very very soon.
If these gorgeous pieces of chic vintage jewellery have caught your eye then why not check out the website http://www.loveheartsandcrosses.co.uk and when one (or five!) pieces catch your eye here's another incentive (if you even need one) to purchase - just enter JENNIFERROSELLEN at the checkout and get 20% off! - How can you resist?
I intend to wear them both tomorrow so check back for photos of them 'in action'!
The final order I placed was with http://www.love-makeup.co.uk/

LOTS OF MAC PIGMENT SAMPLES! Can't wait to try these out.
I'm going to my friend Charlotte's leaving party tomorrow evening - she's moving to Australia forever! to be with her boyfriend. I believe some of you might just recognise him:

Haha yes it's 'Boyd' from neighbours. She doesn't read this blog (no one I know does!) but i doubt she will mind me posting this and I will just say now that she is one of my best friends and I'll be so sad to see her leave :( she is also probably THE prettiest person I know in real life she is just naturally so pretty.

How stunning is she !! Anyway I will probably do another big update on Sunday and a little one tomorrow - keep entering the competition (post below) i've already had 45 or so entries!
P.s - I am following lots of blogs and originally was following everyone who was following me but it got confusing so if you want me to read your blog and follow you just add 'follow me' to the end of your comment and I will IMMEDIATELY go and check it out xxxx