Drinks at The Prince Of Wales, Relaxing at Riverside, Head To Toe in Topshop (Dress and Jacket) & Roland Mourett Sunglasses, Mint Choc Chip at Nonsuch Mansion and Sunny Sunday walks through Nonsuch Park
The boy and I took full advantage of the glorious Bank Holiday Weekend, beetling around with the windows down as we decided to sample a variety of the delights that Surrey in the Sunshine has to offer. First on our agenda was a sleepy Sunday spent idly wandering up and down the riverbanks of Kingston whilst demolishing out 99 Flake Ice Creams topped off by my very first -and certainly not my last - visit to Byron Burger (I opted for the Byron Burger and it was ah-may-zing, the boy had a skinny Roquefort and had the sense to chose the home made skin-on chips which were infinitely more delicious than mine so naturally I ended up eating half of his!).
Monday's festivities started with a stroll through the beautiful Nonsuch Park in search of home made mint chocolate chip ice cream....
(One of everything, please.)
We successfully located the mint chocolate chip ice cream...
...and enjoyed the frozen treat as we meandered our way through the park, with the occasional halt from me as I spied countless cute puppies and proceeded to coo and cuddle them...
...We smiled at heartwarming sight of elderly couples (who were seemingly oblivious to the blazing sunshine...) holding hands and strolling along
The next stop was the beautiful Riverside bar & brasserie near Hampton Court Palace (breathtaking views, excellent drinks menu but not the best food menu)...
...Hungry tummies meant we soon skidaddled and made our way over to The Prince Of Wales Pub where copious plates of thick-cut chips, BBQ Burgers, Prosecco and Bulmers (for the non-drivers!) were ordered and devoured...
'Anyone up for Couples Crazy Golf?' A resounding 'yes!' meant we hopped back into our cars and scooted along the A3 to the 'Jurasic Encounter Adventure Golf Course' where 18 holes of highly, highly competitive mini golf was played (feet were stamped and clubs were thrown)....
...and numerous impressions of dinosaurs were made
...The boys were oh-so-pleased with themselves after a successful game (side note - how much hair gel do we reckon they're wearing between them?)
...& the non-adventurous highlight of my weekend had to be when I saw the boy had made us a cosy little den, complete with floor-bed, a roaring fire, two glasses of wine and a DVD (Bridesmaids - I laughed a lot, he laughed approximately twice then fell asleep.)
What did you get up to this Bank Holiday? Are there any other places in Surrey or London that I simply MUST visit!? Let me know!