This is just a super quick update!
As you all know I started my internship at Lancome on Tuesday, I will be doing a week-by-week diary of my time there but for now I will just say I'm loving it but felt absolutely dreadful all week - assumed it was just because I wasn't used to early starts/long hours but by Friday I had an absolutely agonising pain in my jaw, ear and throat and felt so awful I just knew I had tonsillitis (again!) so off I went to the doctors and 3 days of penicillin later I feel much much better.
Has anyone had their tonsils out? I get it all the time and am pretty fed up of it as it makes me feel dire but I'm not too keen on having them removed either....share your stories please?
Below is a picture from today, not a fantabulous photo by any means (I look like a ghost, in my defense I have tonsillitis) but just showing off our outfits.
Me: Top - Topshop (last season) Skirt - Urban Outfitters (last season)
(Any eagle-eyed girlies may recognise my outfit from September 2009 !)
Yay for recycling outfits!
Wednesday is my graduation so expect lots of photos and make-up pictures from that PLUS my Week One at Lancome internship diary update and the 'eyebrow challenge' conclusion. On the YT front I plan to record a hair-care video soon. Plus I might try and do an 'OOTD' every day this week at Lancome.
Sorry I have been so rubbish I have literally felt awful and just far too tired to barely make it through work let alone blog! I have serious respect for everyone that keeps up with blogging and holds down a full time job!!
As of Wednesday this little baby will be my new purse!

Isn't it byoooooootiful? 'Tis my graduation present! I've had the same little purse for about three years so this wallet/purse is a fantastic investment as I'll use it daily and it's such a timeless classic!
Hope you're all well xxxxxxxx