'The ultimate styling tool for extreme glamour and extreme volume.
Ready to use in under two minutes, these rollers use a core temperature system to slowly emit heat as you hold them in your hand, then produce more heat as they are rolled into your hair. The unique butterfly clips help to firmly set the curl using two heated inner plates'
One of the best things about this product is the fact it takes literally two minutes from turning them on to being ready to put in your hair. If you've used heated rollers before then you will have played the 'turn them on, bugger off and try make yourself busy and come back periodically to touch them to see if their hot and usually end up burning yourself and wandering around in circles aimlessly waiting for them be ready' game - and that's not a very fun game.
So as I said, you turn these on, and bam two minutes later you can start doing your hair. The casing has a little led light on the front which indicates that the rollers are hot enough to use (super helpful - as mentioned above the 'quickly touching a roller to see if it's hot and burning your finger' game is not pleasant!) This is a LIFESAVER for people like my mum who use heated rollers every single morning - she'd often have to roll out of bed just to turn them on 'in advance of waking up' so they'd be ready - none of that with enrapture!
Besides the time saving element I really love the due heat source element and the rollers contain a slow heat release meaning that they are not burning-hot to the touch so it's comfortable placing the rollers into your hair. The rollers come in large and medium so you can achieve different looks. I've tried to illustrate it in the photos but essentially each roller sits upon a heat-emitting metal plate and the butterfly clips used to secure the rollers in place the clips also emit heat from two metal plates inside them. Hence the 'duo heat source'! Plus not only does it take no time at all to heat up but you can take the rollers out after only 15 minutes (you can leave for as long as you want) and you'll be left with gorgeous hair.
I'm going to let the enrapture website sum it up concisely for you:
Rollers emit heat from the core
Unique butterfly clips emit heat using two heated metal plates
Duo heat sources firmly lock in the curl
High constant heat that easily styles long, thick hair
Slow release heat when in your hand
High heat when in your hair
Cools in ten minutes to set the curl and provides lasting results
Ten large rollers for extreme volume or waves
Ten medium rollers for extreme curls
Style your whole head or just the top for root lift
Softens tight naturally curly hair
Twenty rollers to style all hair lengths
Simultaneously heats all the rollers
LED indicator ready in just two minutes
Velvety rollers and butterfly clips firmly grip hair
Finish your make up while the rollers cool
I used them on my birthday night out on my own hair and my extensions and just loved the results.
You can see where to purchase online here.
I really wanted to do a video and I will eventually but my mac is broken. If you want to watch an amazing video watch Corrie's (I sat on my bedroom floor with my mac open watching Corrie as I used these for the first time!!) and also see Laura's review as she has her super similar to mine and has done a very useful review with great after pictures!