After reading this wonderful article about how fabulous Balms are I decided to whack out my skincare balms and facial oils and follow the advice of the skincare guru/goddess that is Caroline Hirons and give myself a little at-home-facial!
My cleansing balm of choice is the Emma Amazing Face Natural Lift And Sculpt Moringa Cleansing Balm followed by either Clarins Lotus Face Treatment Oil or Nude Skincare ProGenius Treatment Oil followed by Darphin Organic Aromatic Renewing Balm.
'To give yourself a quick at-home facial, cleanse and exfoliate, then apply a facial oil. Give it a really good march around the skin, then go straight on with a balm over the top, which will seal in all the goodness underneath.'
- So that is exactly what I do! You can use any balms and oils you like and a small amount of exfoliator can be mixed in with your cleansing balm for a deeper clean. I follow these steps before I go to sleep at night and the result is a thoroughly hydrated and glowing face come the morning - fab